FLAGSHIP®(泛星™)Antibiotic Bone Cement
For the fixation of prostheses to the human skeleton in total or partial hip, knee or other arthroplasties in the presence or potential presence of gentamicin-sensitive bacteria.


Antibiotic Bone Cement
Product features
1. Ideal operation performance: standardized operation procedure, simple preparation, quick use.
2. Outstanding mechanical properties: meets the requirements of YY 0459-2003/ISO 5833:2002 standards, comparable to the mechanical strength of international brands. Enough to carry human body weight and effectively stabilize the prosthesis fixation.
3. Innovative packaging design: Asia's first high-barrier bag liquid packaging, avoiding the risk of cuts when the operator opens the glass ampoule.
4. Good visualization effect: uniformly dispersed zirconia developer provides excellent visualization performance.
5. Pre-added gentamicin: easy to operate, broad-spectrum antimicrobial, with good slow-release effect.
Registered Information
Product Name: Antibiotic Bone Cement
Agent's Name : Shanghai Harmony Biotech Co.
Registration Certificate No. : National Device Registration Approval No. 20233130745
Product Message