Ascend™(雅升®)Vertebral Inflatable Balloons
Used for vertebral kyphoplasty to treat osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture of T5~L5 segments, the inflatable balloons create a cavity in the cancellous bone of the vertebral body that can be filled with bone cement.


Balloon for vertebral body expansion
Product features
1. Ballons made from TPU material, pressure resistance 400PSI.
2. Leaner welding technology, diameter compression to 2.1mm.
3. 0-90 degree free bending with special tool.
4. Innovative center expansion reset for unilateral puncture.
Registered Information
Product Name: Vertebral Inflatable Balloons
Agent's Name : Shanghai Legend Medical Co.
Registration Certificate No. : National Device Registration Approval No. 20183040401
Product Message